More Than $82 Million Awarded for Arts Projects Nationwide Includes $15,000 awarded to Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival


Contact: Tina Slak, 610.282.WILL [9455]; [email protected]

Center Valley, PA—

Center Valley, PA]—National Endowment for the Arts Chairman Jane Chu has approved more than $82 million to fund local arts projects across the country in the NEA’s second major funding announcement for fiscal year 2017. Included in this announcement is an Art Works award of $15,000 to Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival in support of PSF’s Young Company and internship programs.

“The arts reflect the vision, energy, and talent of America’s artists and arts organizations,” said NEA Chairman Jane Chu. “The National Endowment for the Arts is proud to support organizations such as Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival in serving their communities by providing excellent and accessible arts experiences.”

This award makes it possible for PSF to continue its foundational focus on providing exceptional professional development programs and active experience-based learning intensives for college-aged students and early career actors within a professional company. In addition to production work guided by veteran industry leaders, the work of PSF’s Young Company, interns and appreciates creates opportunities for student and family audiences to experience accessible youth and Shakespeare programming.

For more information on projects included in the NEA grant announcement, go to