CASANDRA KAY (Young Company; u/s Catherine Hiatt, Five Years; Anne Page, Merry Wives; Assistant Director & Swing & u/s Nettie, Color Purple; Pooh, Winnie) (she/her) is a recent graduate of DeSales! PSF: Henry IV, Part 2 (Page), James and the Giant Peach (Ladybug), The Tempest (Islander & u/s Miranda), Sense and Sensibility (Miss Grey). DeSales: Intimate Apparel (Mayme, Mrs. Dickson u/s), Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella (Charlotte), The Drowsy Chaperone (Mrs.Tottendale), The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Congregation, u/s Esmeralda), Crumbs from the Table of Joy (Erminia, Dance Captain), The Trojan Women (Cassandra). She is beyond excited to be returning to PSF this summer! CaSandra Kay would like to thank her mom, dad, Al, Dom and Gabriel for always supporting her in every way possible.