CHRISTOPHER PATRICK MULLEN (Hastings, Francis, Silence, 2H4; Caliban, Tempest; Thomas Middleton, Sir John, S&S) is a DeSales graduate. CPMʼs work with PSF (since 1992) includes: Irma Vep, Henry IV Part 1, Shakespeare In Love, Richard II, Loveʼs Labours Lost, Julius Caesar, Pericles, Charleyʼs Aunt, Hamlet, The Glass Menagerie, Twelfth Night, Romeo and Juliet, Dracula: The Journal of Jonathan Harker! Other credits include: ChipandGus (Baltimore CenterStage, et al); A Christmas Carol Comedy (Hedgerow Theatre); Long Day’s Journey into Night, Sexual Misconduct of the Middle Classes (Bridge Street Theatre); Birds of North America, The Pavilion (Chester Theatre Co); Rumors, Noises Off (Arts Center of Coastal Carolina); Hamlet (Orlando Shakespeare Theater); West Side Story (1st National Tour); The Runner Stumbles (Off-Broadway); Cabaret, Metamorphoses, Macbeth, A Little Night Music, Candide, Assassins (Arden Theatre); TV/Film: Law & Order, FBI. ChristopherPatrickMullen.com