Something wicked this way comes
By William Shakespeare
Directed by Patrick Mulcahy
Visions of power captivate and corrode as the star couple craft their dark fantasies into crimson reality. PSF Producing Artistic Director Patrick Mulcahy returns to the director’s chair following his triumphant production of Hamlet in 2011. Shakespeare’s penetrating and glorious language lays bare our human frailty in a scorching personal and political nightmare made real. A thrilling new staging of a mesmerizing tale of ambition and treachery. PG11+
- Prologues: Join us for insights into the play in an informal setting. Free. Held in the theatre 45 minutes prior to every curtain.
- Opening night, Saturday, July 19. Join the PSF actors and staff for a friendly post-show champagne toast.
- Meet the actors for an informal talkback after the show Thursday, July 24.
- Scotch Sharings & Pairings at 6pm Thursday, July 24; Saturday, July 26; and Friday, August 1.
- Savoring Shakespeare: specialty dinner with behind-the-scenes insights 5:30pm Saturday, Aug. 2 and Sunday, Aug. 3.
- Lend Me a Tenor and Macbeth will play in repertory with the same cast. Please order early for the best seating options.
Amaranth Foundation
Actor Sponsors:
Lee & Dolly Butz
Reading Eagle
“PSF’s ‘Macbeth’ stuns with its power and ambition.”
“Boldly theatrical and psychologically rich…”
“Never have I witnessed a staging of ‘Macbeth’ with such astute blocking.”
“It’s difficult to shake this thrilling piece of theatre. I can’t remember ever being so shaken by its themes.”
“…A triumph for the Festival.”
Philadelphia Inquirer
“Shakespeare’s Macbeth arrived in stark, stylish form in Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival’s newly minted production.”
“…Excellent actors.”
“It is worth the drive.”
The Morning Call
“Rewarding production that seems to personify Shakespeare’s own words ‘fair is foul and foul is fair.'”
“Ian Bedford is mesmerizing as Macbeth.”
Features & Press Releases
Macbeth Synopsis
ACT 1 Fair is foul, and foul is fair. The play begins with generals Macbeth and Banquo returning home to Scotland as war heroes. During their journey, they are confronted by three witches who prophesize that Macbeth will become Thane of Cawdor and eventually the King of Scotland. The first part of the prophecy […]
Dramatis Personae
THE SUPERNATURAL The Weird Sisters– Three witches who make startling predictions about Scotland’s future THE ROYALS OF SCOTLAND Duncan– King of Scotland Malcolm– King Duncan’s son, the heir to the Scottish throne THE THANES (OR NOBLES) OF SCOTLAND Macbeth– A war-hero and the Thane of Glamis, who murders his way to the throne Lady Macbeth– […]
The Witches of Macbeth: Inspiration For The Weird Sisters
In Shakespeare’s time, witches did not just live on the stage; they were believed to be the Devil’s agents in everyday life. While the three Weird Sisters of Macbeth are very different than the “witches” Shakespeare’s audience knew, common superstitions and beliefs helped shape his play. Believing in witches was not just a practice performed by the […]
Macbeth Inspires throughout Time
Artists have always been interested in reinventing Shakespeare. They are as inspired by him as he was by the artists who came before him. Since its premiere in the early 1600s, Macbeth has been re-envisioned in many different forms. Herman Melville’s book, Moby Dick, the story of Captain Ahab and the Great White Whale, may not look like […]
The Curse of Macbeth: “The Scottish Play”
Some people believe the play Macbeth is “cursed,” and that has created a theatrical tradition: any mention of the play’s name, or quoting the play in a theater requires the offender to leave the room (or building), turn around three times, spit, curse, quote Hamlet (“Angels and Ministers of grace defend us!”), knock, and humbly […]
Shakespeare Timeline
1564 William Shakespeare and Galileo are born. 1565 Pencils are first manufactured in England. 1567 Two comedies are performed at a Spanish mission in Tequesta, Florida. 1576 The first playhouse in England is run by James Burbage. 1588 Spanish Armada is battered by the English. 1590 Henry VI, Part 1 becomes William Shakespeare’s first play to open onstage. 1595 Shakespeare […]
The Play In Performance
To this day, historians still debate the exact date of the premiere of Macbeth. It is widely agreed on that the play was acted after 1606 as it references many events that occurred that year. The first reference to Macbeth being performed describes a performance at the Globe Theater on April 20, 1611 – there is no further record […]
Duncan, King of Scotland:
Carl N. Wallnau*
Malcolm, his eldest son:
Jacob Dresch*
Donalbain, his youngest son:
Kevin Riddagh
Bloody Captain:
Deanna Gibson*
Brandon Burton
Trent Fucci*
Leo Bond
Deanna Gibson*
Eleanor Handley*
Suzanne O’Donnell*
Macbeth, Thane of Glamis:
Ian Bedford*
Anthony Lawton*
Lady Macbeth:
Susan Riley Stevens*
Macduff, Thane of Fife:
Perry Ojeda*
Fleance, son to Banquo:
Dane McMichael
Suzanne O’Donnell*
Dave Scheffler
Leo Bond
Andrew Goebel
Lady MacDuff:
Deanna Gibson*
Son of Macduff:
Jonathan Wallace
Daughter of Macduff:
Gabriella Slak
Carl N. Wallnau*
Gentlewoman, attending on Lady Macbeth:
Suzanne O’Donnell*
Seyton, officer attending on Macbeth:
Peter Danelski
Siward, Earl of Northumberland:
Dave Scheffler
Young Siward, his son:
Kevin Riddagh
Mark Marano
Jonathan Wallace
William Shakespeare
Patrick Mulcahy
Scenic Designer:
Bob Phillips
Lighting Designer:
Thom Weaver
Costume Designer:
Lisa Zinni
Sound Designer:
Matthew Given
Fight Director:
Patrick Mulcahy
Production Stage Manager:
Stacy Renee Norwood*
*Member of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Stage Actors and Stage Managers in the United States.